Voting for Temujin94 rocks

Day 1,446, 03:38 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

Voting for Temujin94 rocks

T... ackle: Who else can better tackle day to day obstacles then he does? The answer is not many and he is the best at this given moment.

E... ach: As President he has proven to work for each and every one. So I say let him do it an other month. He will get tired of it eventualy.

M... arvellous: Just a work I like to use. Marvelous, glorious will he be in the spotlight!

U... ltimate: Temujin94 is by far the ultimate candidate for the job at hand. He is in motion so lets keep the ball rolling and continue on a given path.

(d)J... enghiz Khan: Temujin = dJenghiz Khan = the ultimate warrior.

I... nformatory: We had almost daily updates on the forum so no complaints there.

N... atural born leader: In short, Temujin IS a natural born leader.