VOTE YES for Congress Donations

Day 860, 19:54 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Dear Congress Members,

As you all know Pakistan & Serbia have been working together for last few months and we share a strong relationship with them. Serbians whose cash is in our treasury and it belongs to them is being returned. I would like all congress members to vote Yes in this regard. Please note that Pakistan got this cash because of the land swaps that have been going on and Serbia never asked us for anything for these land swaps which we recently did to prevent congress being taken over, they in fact took all cost to ensure our safety

Therefore we propose that everyone votes Yes for the donation for giving Serbian money back to Serbians. Also Vote YES for peace with Russia so that we can go forward with our Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) which will ensure our security and bring Training wars.

Ahsan Shahbaz
Minister of Foreign Affairs