Viva Chile

Day 2,085, 12:48 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Viva Chile

I just want to let you know that some of us keep our honour and the
bows given, that many in eUK still respect you, that our transient
rulers, who backstabbed you, and worse, who deny any trace of
friendship or respect, fostering your worse enemy, won't last

Because all that, I say "Viva Chile" and "Viva la amistad verdadera".
We'll be your friends now and tomorrow as we were yesterday.

If you appreciate the real and inmutable feelings, shout it.

Viva Chile

Solo queria que supierais que algunos de nosotros mantenemos nuestro
honor y la palabra dada, que muchos en eUK todavia os respetan, que
nuestros gobernantes actuales, los que os traicionaron, y peor,
quienes os niegan lo mas minimo de amistad o respeto, incentivando a
vuestro peor enemigo, ese gobierno no durará para siempre.

Por todo esto, grito "Viva Chile" y "Viva la amistad
verdadera". Seremos vuestros amigos ahora y siempre como lo fuimos

Si aprecias la amistad verdadera y los sentimientos inmutables,