USWP Endorses Wild Owl for President

Day 3,272, 07:56 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

The United States Workers Party has a long and storied history of supporting extremely qualified candidates to serve as a steady hand over our nation’s affairs, month after month. It prides itself in making good selections for candidates, and in those candidates succeeding, more often than not.

This month is no exception.

Our political parties have long talked about bringing up new people, creating interest within the game, and making our government work for everyone that it serves. This talk is not isolated to one single party. There is a constant cry to give different people new jobs, and to train new blood so that we are not saddled with the same people, month in and out.

Yet, there is temptation to shrink the size of the executive, as there are less players in the game. However, all that does is exclude people from the process and further consolidate influence in the hands of the same few who already have it.

Most Americans want a diverse set of players to be involved at all levels of government, in each department, to have a say in how the country is run.

We need an executive that pushes each player to give it their all.

To try something new.

To do something.

There’s more that unites us, than divides us in this country. We need to cultivate that common ground that is our player base, and keep that soil fertile, to give opportunities to people who seek them.

As such, Wild Owl is actively harvesting some of the most productive and promising players from that fertile ground to serve in his cabinet.

SFP member Ilene Dover has been selected as his Secretary of State. An extremely bright and dedicated citizen, Ilene Dover put in a lot of work at the Department of Citizen Affairs, helping young and old citizens alike. Now, she gets a shot at one of the most influential positions in government.

However, Wild Owl is an expert himself in the arena of foreign affairs. He knows America’s place in the world, as one of the stronger nations in this game. He knows that we do not simply just sit back and let the world change around us. He is not a reactionary figure.

Wild Owl knows that we must take the lead in our alliance and in the international community.

Other nations will surely try to undermine our relations with our allies, and our alliance in attempts to further their own interests. They will try to get us to back down from our agreements and scare us away from our obligations. However, we know that under Wild Owl’s leadership, we will not back away from our allies, and we will not forget our obligations to Pacifica.

His leadership has led to the longest stretch of American prosperity and safety that our nation has ever seen. Anyone learning under him will get a masterclass in statesmanship.

However, she is not the only fresh face to take on a department.

The DoCA has been in the hands of Comet Academy, Gabrielz and Ilene for several months now, as secretaries and deputies. Wild Owl has selected WhyDoIBotherToo, in order to keep up the good work and to give a different player a new opportunity.

Just as well, Kody5 has been selected as a new face for the Department of Media, making the foray into a very public cabinet role, different from that at Defense. However, this is not a completely new field for Kody, as he has pushed Fed Media in his own party ranks, broadcasting various entertaining episodes of Fed Radio. I’m sure many Feds would gladly attest to his media acumen.

We know what we are getting for the most part with Wild Owl. We are getting a safe, stable hand over our national affairs. We are getting someone who knows how to negotiate with foreign powers and keep our country safe. We are also getting someone who knows that safety doesn’t come cheap, and knows how to use resources to defend us and our allies properly.

We know that Wild Owl will continue to make progress in these areas.

However, and possibly more critical to the long-term success of our nation is finding new players to fill the roles our country needs, injecting it with new life and promise for the future. This is not a partisan effort or idea. We can make progress on that front, together.

In that case, we need you to get involved and do something. We need you to get engaged.

Don’t just vote. Get involved.

The membership of the USWP believes that the candidate that will most spur activity, get people involved, and build for the future is Wild Owl.

For that reason, the United States Workers Party endorses Wild Owl for President.