Update From Pakistan Foreign Office

Day 843, 11:04 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Dear Citizens,

I have resumed my Post of Minister of Foreign Affairs on my return to Pakistan. The post was offered to me by Pak_Land who wanted me to take charge of things in this area once again. I am greatly honoured and feel blessed to be nominated for this position.

In my first action as Minister of Foreign Affairs I would like to announce Pakistan`s Diplomatic Mission to Different countries will be resuming. A lot has changed since I was in office last time. As Minister of Foreign Affairs I will be to appointing Pakistan`s Diplomatic Missions to Friends and Allies as well as rivals and enemies.

Pakistani Ambassador to India: Policy

Official Stance on Pakistan Ambassador to India
After consultations with Country President Pakistan has decided to send a diplomatic mission to India. This Diplomatic Missions should not be interpreted as hand of friendship but as opening of diplomatic way to discuss and talk things.

Someone once sai😛
“Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.”

Diplomatic Missions Planned for Now are.


Those who are interested in these positions can Personal Message me. Please Note here that there is no guarantee that your application will be accepted.

I welcome all Ambassadors to Pakistan to Contact me via Personal Message for More Information and Updates regarding Pakistan.

Ahsan Shahbaz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pakistan Foreign Office