United States paid for the mistakes of your President

Day 479, 11:24 Published in USA Italy by io ero leggenda

We theocratic wanted diplomacy from your president, but he told us the war with a trading embargo, without any serious reason. We fell in the war against you and you are losing now.

the statistics speak clear:

Usa vs Mexico:

USA 45962 fights 1255861 damage
Switzerland 2888 fights 313216 damage

You are the most populous nation but not the strongest, we have a few people but we are stronger militarily. If we had your number of inhabitants, the world would be our.

Until our people are at war, you will not win any nation.

we are still open to dialogue now headed by your President, diplomacy is the key to the success of a nation.

Uncle Sam this is your last chance to make a negotiation.

Field Marshal darkplayer82 spokesman of the State Theocratic Swiss.