United_Cyprus_&_No_More_Divided_Nations_ In_Cyprus

Day 3,402, 00:21 Published in Cyprus South Africa by cirujanoo

United_Cyprus Republic
No Moire Divided Nation In Cyprus
the Cypriot people will be united and one nation in one state

If the Cypriot Turks are consulting only with Turks about Cypriot problems, they should share with the Greeks in the same way, this brings justice to these two communities, the society be will one nation and the only state which is united with Cyprus union with united Cypriots.

If you consult with only Turkey about Cyprus, problem should be shared with greece in the same way, this will bring justice to the country, society and will be a nation and a state Cyprus united by cypriot nation instead of seperated or divided two nations in Cyprus.

United Cyprus instead of divided Cyprus

cyprus is belongs to Cypriots