TOP 10 \o/

Day 847, 04:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

The Real Spamicans

"All aboard the Spamican bandwagon !"

S pamicans are now a top 10 party \o/

"John Forseti wins the PP for another month."

P TOing the eUK is our aim,help us make it happen

"The eUK won't know what hit it"

A RMY, NAVY and Special Forces we are their voice*

"We think like they do"

M exicans would join if they could

"Lo que usted necesita para ser británico"

I nterested ? then join us today \o/

"We're what all parties will one day evolve into"

C ome on you know you want to

"If the Hoff was real he'd join us"

A narchy and fun for the eUK once we're incharge !

"The eUK will party hard under the Spamican Junta!"

N o more politics getting in the way of Government

"Read my lips more fun less red tape"

S PAMICANS the party for you and the eUK !!

"Rub Woldy's* big red ball for
access to the Real Spamicans"

Horice TRS spokesman 🙂

(*In a made up competion we won so this may not be true)
(*Woldy used puppet body double in article)
