Time for Australia to Change the Party System

Day 1,887, 00:07 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good Evening eAustralia,

Despite the hiccup of the Tasmanian RW (bloody Argentina), we find ourselves entering a stage a peace.

A time where we can focus on the little things that we forget about when we are worried about making war or treaties.

Therefore, I believe now is the time for change in our party system.

The idea spawns from looking at my own party, the Green and Gold Party.

We are no longer active on the forums. In fact, the president primaries saw just nine out of (then) 38 members vote.

We have lost 10 members since then and only 18 voted in the PP elections.

eAustralia is made up of 10 or 11 parties with all outside the top 5 (which includes the GGP) not at all that active on the forums.

These parties are essentially a waste of space.

The problem however doesn't just lay with the smaller parties. The APP got caught napping in the PP elections and was PTOed (of sorts). Also, if anyone knows what the KightHawks military council's goal and ambitions are, you are doing better than me.

In reality, the only parties putting out news is the ARP and ACP. The once feared ANP has gone dead silent in the press.

I propose calling a summit of all Party Presidents with the aim of merging parties down, until we are left with just five active parties.

My idea (though it may not be the one that succeeds) is that we start completely from scratch. That is, all current (and formerly known) party names are wiped out. I know it would be popular with the likes of the ANP, but it has to be done.

The reason for it, is that some will be reluctant to move into parties with a 'history'. Thus if we start with five new names, manifestos for each party can begin from scratch. A true new beginning.

I propose there a Far Left Party, a Centre Left Party, a Centre (or Independents) Party, a Centre Right Party and a Far Right Party. An even balance of party representation.

If that is agreed upon, a forum for each proposed party is set up. Those wanting to join one of those parties simply enter that forum and register their interest.

In those party forums, each party will debate their manifesto (in line with the party's political leaning - eg: Far Left) and vote for their first Party President.

Then after the Country President elections, it will be announced what the new party names are which current party they will replace. For example, the Far Left Party may take over the ACP, the Far Right might take over KnightHawks, etc...

ONLY the forum voted Party President will be the authorised candidate for the first PP election. Ensuring that the smooth transition happens.

At the same time, a selected group of eAustralians will run for Party President in the non Top 5 parties. When they are elected they will change the party names to mention they are now closed. Members left in those parties will be asked to leave and join one of the top 5 parties.

Once their is only the Party President left, they can leave, which eRepublik will automatically shut down the party.

I understand this is all a radical idea, especially since a number of players are attached to their current party names and history.

However, if we are to create a NEW CHAPTER in the history of eAustralia, which includes CoT Membership and a Land-Swap with Indonesia, we have to go all the way. We need a new five party only system to make sure we are as active as possible.

If we do not and allow this smaller parties to stay, it just opens us up to PTOs and stretches our few active players over too many parties.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

Mr Crumpets
Re-Elected Party President of the Green and Gold Party