Threesome in turmoil

Day 4,528, 07:12 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Dear citizens,

some of you might have noticed, the Training War with 2 partners has been at best bumpy if not down right troublesome.

So we have made some changes to the proceedings.

Latvia will stay put in Flanders, we stay put in Wallonia, and the Dutch on their own turf.

Everyday we should have 2 campaigns, one to defend, the other to attack. The attacking side loses.

So on day 1 : Latvia attacks us, we attack the Dutch and the Dutch attack the Latvians. The attacker loses, always.
On day 2 : the initiative is reversed, we attack Latvia, Latvia attacks the Dutch and the Dutch attack us. Again, the attacker loses.

Next day roles are reversed once again, and we start all over again.

Determination will increase, once it is unbearable, Latvia will move to Wallonia but fighting will continu in same manner. Once Wallonia too has a high determination there's the option to move Latvia to the Southern Netherlands and have the Dutch move into either Wallonia or Flanders.

Brussels as always remains free for our economy.

BTW Curlybear has a nice visual image of the setup, message him if you want to have a look at it, my articles are mostly image free 😛

