Thoughts on the future for Denmark

Day 313, 10:05 Published in Sweden Denmark by pho3nix

Taking critizism from someone apparently under the influence of alcohol is something I find difficult. Especially if he's right. Algaroth's latest article points out that DGIN hasn't presented a plan for Denmark, after her independence has been proclaimed. We have – in a state of depression and despair in our current position – not started brainstorming ideas in every specific topic. Therefore, my plan is to explain some of the things we will try to enforce.

The first thing that would happen to a free Denmark is the inauguration of her Preisdent – which logically will be Grev Per. We have discussed this matter within DGIN, but a non-competing state would probably not be feasible in the long run. During the first time however, a state of political concurrency must be enforced to get the country back on it's feet properly. Companies needs to get started, goods needs to get produced and money needs to start circulating. To enable the general Danish populace to start companies the party will try to start some kind of foundation from which the inhabitants can lend a starting capital at long term, low rate interest. The owners of the foundation will probably be the top politicians of DGIN, however this has more to do with activity than choosing people. I simply don't know how many active players we have in our party, but everyone is welcome to join the foundation.

One thing we cherish is our own market. Thus, we cannot accept a free trade between Denmark and Sweden from day 1. The Swedish market is in comparison too big, and would flood the Danish market with cheap goods – making the Danish companies unable to compete on fair terms. The Poles might have ignored this point in their agreement and accepted free trade between Poland and Sweden. The question is whether the Swedish companies will have any success in Poland (solidarity playing?) or if the Polish companies will have a hard time establishing in their own market. To completely out rule Sweden as a partner in trade is however not our plan. We will focus on establishing the local market before introducing supra-territorial trade.

Politically the party will probably split up in various factions. I have had plans to start a party of my own for some time, for one example. This discussion has not matured enough, since we have seen no concrete actions to liberate Denmark.

Denmark will also not try to enhance it's territory, but plan to keep it's status as a small country made of win. Freedom of alliance is something we would like to have – but we will of course sign a NAA- aswell as an MPP-treaty with Sweden and her allies.