This is a PTO... of Ourselves

Day 886, 08:28 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

eCanada, for the first time in a very long time, is an interesting place to be.

Recently, the government has been making their job seem like a joke. They’ve been attacking the CAF, and in response, the CAF has risen up in “rebellion.”

I put rebellion in quotes because in reality it is not a rebellion. It is actually more like a PTO of a country by its own people.

Some of you may look at that sentence and say something along the lines of “you can’t PTO your own country!”

Oh, but you can. It can be done, and from the looks of it, will be done during the next congress elections. But this PTO is unlike any other PTO eCanada, perhaps even eRepublik, has ever seen. These “PTOers” are not here to destroy Canada, instead they are here to repair our politics, which has received harsh criticism lately.

These PTOers just so happen to be part, or rather a large majority, of eCanada’s very own armed forces. The non-elected officials the CAF have gathered as many people as they can in an attempt to stop the quickly crumbling congress.

The Long Sword Rebellion, as it has been named, plans to overthrow the current political parties, and bring some common sense back to this great country of ours.

So why do I call it a PTO? Well, many of the people now running for congress are foreigners to the concept of being elected. Many of those running were placed in their current position within the CAF because of what they have done, not because they received the most votes. Many of these people have been determined to stay away from politics as well, but its blatantly obvious that they have decided that just won’t work anymore.

However there are also many people who are crying out against this rebellion. They say that eCanada will become a fascist regime if this takeover succeeds.

Now, I would like to point out that there is currently no way for eCanada to fall out of becoming a democracy, and therefore any sort of “regime” is impossible to uphold without the support of the people. And if the people support the government, they must be doing something right, which just so happens to be something that our current government isn’t capable of.

The media is heated as ever. In a time where usually the only articles being written scream “Vote for Me!”, the only thing I manage to see is the flaming and propaganda against one another. The hatred that I have been seeing in the comments of articles outclasses the thrashing we gave to the Brits when they switched allegiances.

Oh wait, I can see one more thing. Lulzy proposals by congress

So, what exactly has happened to the usually boring, peaceful place we call home? It is no longer the quiet place it has historically been, now it is uproaring in revolution and anger. Now its interesting.