These Things Called Super Alliances

Day 888, 12:57 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

It is impossible to ignore the recent events in the eworld. All madness has broken loose once again, but this is nothing new. In fact, I’ve seen something like this happen numerous times, and if the past tells us anything, it’s that either Phoenix or Eden will crumble once this war is done.

But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. This war, after all, only started a few days ago. But how long can a war last when there are 90 battles in 60 hours opened up. How deep can both alliances dig into their hearts, weapon stashes and treasuries to keep something like this going?

The simple answer is that they can’t. One side will run out of gold, and the other side will tank themselves to victory, and in the process crush the opposing alliance. Although one alliance may not actually wipe out the countries of the enemy alliance, frustration and anger will quickly grow in the losers and suddenly there is just one powerful alliance left.

That has been the summarized story of the past alliances of eRepublik. It happened to Atlantis. It happened to Peace. It’s going to happen to either Phoenix or Eden soon too. And this cycle might never stop, not until these “Super Alliances” stop forming, getting destroyed, and reforming. It’s an endless process that makes the future extremely easy to predict.

The solution to this? More smaller, regional alliances such as Sol, Entente, or the Brolliance. These, in my opinion, have all been steps in the right direction, which is to stop the constant reforming of Super Alliances.

But of course, there is always a problem to a solution. In this case it is that as soon as one alliance crumbles, the victor is essentially the only power within the world, and can basically do whatever it wants… unless if the previously destroyed alliance reforms itself under some new, cool name.

When an alliance is losing a world war, its people start to grow angry with those in charge. As the anger builds, more and more goes wrong for their alliance. Eventually it reaches a point where a single country decides to leave the alliance. It sets off a chain reaction that results in every country leaving the alliance and going its own way. Or at least, until it rejoins the same group of nations a couple weeks later under a new name.

When the new alliance is reformed hope is brought to its citizens. Some of them may be occupied and suddenly, they instantly think that there is a chance they will reclaim their homes. The people grow happier and eventually they win their land back. They’re happy. The leaders are happy. Everyone in the new alliance is happy.

Then comes the stalemate. A period where either there is a very uneasy peace, or one where the are battles around the world, but neither side seems to have any sort of edge or momentum. No momentum until one side becomes stronger. Feeling confident in themselves they launch attacks worldwide, therefore starting a new world war. And what do you know, the cycle begins again.

I personally think that these powerful alliances are getting sort of tiring and old. It’s the same thing that happens over and over again, but each time there are different names up against each other, yet it’s the same people and countries. Every time the same countries duke it out, desperately hoping that their people and soldiers can pull through and crush the enemy.

So is there really a solution to this process? As far as I can tell, no there isn’t. The only real way to get it to happen is if both alliance crash and burn at the same time, which is very unlikely. Even once the regional alliances develop, sides will surely be taken and it becomes the same process.
