The Zurich Treaty

Day 1,603, 19:44 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

After a long negotiation process with the Slovenians, our intended goal was not reached, mainly due to the fact that Slovenia's newly elected government clearly favors different demands. And so, in our best effort to resolve any hostilities, I have been able to mediate the situation to ensure that at least some sort of deal could be negotiated. With our new alignment in world affairs, especially with the introduction of new allies such as Bulgaria or Iran, a decent deal was signed with the Slovenian government so that we as a nation could tie together stronger bonds for future success and cooperation. Now, I would like to present to you the Zurich Treaty.

The Zurich Treaty

In an effort to mend a broken friendship and work toward harmony and peace within the region, Switzerland and Slovenia have agreed to:


Willl keep the regions, Romandie and Graubunden
Will promise not to support nor fight in any Resistance Wars against Slovenia
Will promise not to set Slovenia as its Natural Enemy
Will sign a Mutual Protection Pact with Slovenia


Will keep the regions, Deutschschweiz and Svizzera Italiana
Will promise not to set Switzerland as its Natural Enemy
Will sign a Mutual Protection Pact with Switzerland
Will pay 60 GOLD on April 10th to the Swiss Confederation Bank

The agreement will last until the 10th of May with the option to extend it for another month, including possible amendments.


Dan/naD Wilshire
President of Switzerland

President of Slovenia

In conclusion, although we would have liked to receive more benefits from such an agreement, it was best to acknowledge the strength of the Slovenian peoples, and stretching our luck too far could prove to not only destroy our previous diplomatic success, but also provide for a provocation for occupation of our peaceful nation. That being said, the Zurich Treaty is a clear symbol of the progress Swiss-Slovenian relations have made to this day, and I am excited to see what future achievements we will be able to accomplish!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
Minister of Foreign Affairs