The Truth About Dishmcds

Day 925, 06:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

The UKRP presidential candidate Dishmcds is a rather curious fellow. He trots the globe randomly running for president in all sorts of exotic locations, but particuarly here in the UK, of which he has an odd affinity to. But recent revelations make quite clear that this affinity is about as dead as Kim Jong Il's chances of winning a noble peace prize.

Dish was recently seen wearing this.

Thats right Dish is a spy. And not just any spy he is an Irish spy. Though a latin american American, he is actually of Irish lineage on his great-grandfather's mother's side and has long harboured extremist tendancies over Northern Ireland.

In the past he has resisted acting on this. He was a high flying president with an incredible vacuum of power. It would have been ridiculous to have his name and future in erepublik politics tarnished. But this time he is making his self confessed 'last run', and is planning to bow out on a blaze of glory. This blaze of glory he is planning is to surrender Northern Ireland to Ireland, and then, to add insult to injury, he also plans to give them the South West as, in the words of my sources, 'compensation for their suffering'.

So you heard it hear first.

A vote for Dishmcds isa vote to give away our beloved land to the Irish.

UKRP might awell chagne their name to the IRA.