The True Colours of UKRP Revealed

Day 329, 10:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Well the United Kingdom Reform Party, after months of flying between ideals and using prejudice to create hysteria over PCP policies, finally regained power. But not content with this, it would appear they have tried to plant spies in other parties, take their posts out of context and propegate it.
How very ethical........
What kind of party breaches trust like this?
What kinf of party is this dishonest?
What kind of party bends the truth like this?
and a more important important question.....
What is wrong with PCP (well PI, but no-one seems to be able to accpect that they're different entities) taking action to stop workers from being layed off due to the reckless profiterring of other companies?
Disclaimer: This may not have been a UKRP spy looking for a political swoop. It may have been an Aurum spy looking for an economic swoop. Or both.