The Party President Elections - some observations and questions

Day 2,766, 22:19 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

Well, the Political Party Presidential Elections finished up a few days back. There have been allegations of dirty tricks, and rebuttals. Now that the fuss has died down some, I’m hoping to steer a different course. Here, I will present some factual observations. These will be backed by screenshots where possible (no, there will be no juicy PMs in my newspaper…). From these observations, a few questions will naturally follow. They are being posted publicly, here, so that we can all see the answer without violating the private part of Private Message and in a hope of keeping things fairly civil.

Party Membership
The screen grab below was taken the day of the party president election.

As you can see, the VIP have dropped from approximately 50 members, during the last senate election, to 38 members. That suggests 12 have gone “missing”, having either left politics altogether or joined other parties. There are 41 members of VIP while I am writing this article, which shows a reversal of membership decline.

I will ask the question of Cibaris, president of the Varnishist International Party. Where did your members go? How many in total, and why did they leave? I have seen or heard no signs of a party dispute that could result in a quarter or more of your members leaving.

Perhaps more importantly, 15 citizens were elected to represent VIP in the congress election. These citizens:

Of those 15, only 12 remain as of today. Are the three deserting senators prepared to tell the citizens who voted for VIP why they are betraying their votes?

KHMC Presidency

This leads me to my next observation, concerning my own party, the KHMC. We had a three-way competition for party presidency. The final results are:

Please note the total vote count of 20, from a membership on election day of 27 (it has climbed to 30 since). A turnout over 65% for party president elections is very unusual, though it could be a symptom of the also unusual three-way vote. More typically, in my experience, party president elections have about 50% membership turnout.

I had to go back to late 2014 to find the last three-way race for party president. You can see the results:

That was still only a shade over 50% member turnout.

Perhaps it was the campaigning by each candidate? I doubt it, as I was the only KHMC candidate to write an article or to post any shouts. To the best of my knowledge, the other candidates didn't go around spamming PMs to members for votes either. This is only conjecture as I don't think either would have messaged me. I am happy to be proven wrong on that count.

So, a natural question then. Where did all these votes come from? And why this particular election? They seem to have mostly accrued to El Sable de Platino. Aussie Vegeta only scored the 1 vote and my vote is consistent with last month at 13-14 votes.

KHMC’s Ninth Senator

The above two observations fit neatly into my third. Our 29th member and 9th congress member has joined up, with no effort on my part! \o/

Please, all KHMC members, welcome Prignoto, our second party member in Black Spectra colours and our second such Congress member in as many months.

While I am happy to have the services of an additional party member and voting member of Congress under the KHMC banner, I am (and remain) confused as to the why. Prignoto has not responded to my PMs, nor has he (she?) contacted me about their defection. I certainly have never made contact other than on official Congress business (sorry, but you’re going to have to trust me on that as there’s no objective way to verify).

El Sable de Platino ran (successfully) for Congress last month with KHMC. We spoke briefly about various things, however language was a significant barrier. He did not run for the current term, and I thought he was inactive due to a lack of communication (shout box use, PMs, battle hero medals, article comments and votes, all those things that let you know a citizen is still alive).

It would be crude of me to draw a conclusion with El Sable de Platino’s votes for Party President and the presence of a member of an allied Military Unit (El Sable de Platino being Commander of ANZAC BG, an affiliate of Black Spectra) in my party’s ranks. But, it is a natural question to follow my observation. Was there a deliberate strategy put in place between ANZAC BG and Black Spectra to install El Sable de Platino as President of the KHMC?

I understand people come with allegiances and loyalties that are not for the scrutiny of others. A citizen’s goals are not always understandable to others at first glance. A little bit of communication will go a long way to smoothing over misunderstandings and misconceptions.

So if you are frustrated with your party’s communications, or lack of transparent policy or strategy - come join us! We’re an open book!