The Guillotinist Guild Supports Patar333! (May 2012)

Day 1,626, 16:42 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

My dear children,

Soon I it will be time to elect a new President, and someone must succeed our current President, Dan/naD Wilshire... and there is no other man I would rather have than Patar333. After deciding who to vote for as a party, the Guillotinist Guild made a unanimous decision to support Patar333 as Switzerland's next President.

Having been Minister of Finance for countless months now, and having always devoted himself to helping out with the military as well, Patar333 has clearly displayed his ability and talent for managing and organizing the success of Switzerland's economy. Without him, I don't know where our financial situation would be like.

Furthermore, Patar333 has constantly proven his loyalty to Switzerland by not only donating supplies to the Swiss Youth Academy before, but also his time and dedication to working on programs to ensure Switzerland's monetary progress.

So as you take a bite from your toasty baguette, and as you sip from your luxurious glass of wine, I encourage all of you to vote for Patar333 for the April Presidential elections! Hail Baguettes!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
Grand Master of the Guillotinist Guild