The Guillotinist Guild Supports Bowen199! (March 2012)

Day 1,566, 00:12 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

My dear children,

Soon I will no longer be President, and someone must succeed me... and there is no other man I would rather have than bowen199. After deciding who to vote for as a party, the Guillotinist Guild made a unanimous decision to support bowen199 as Switzerland's next president.

Having been my Minister of Foreign Affairs now for 2 months, he has shown me that he is a hard-working citizen of Switzerland who truly wants our nation and community to succeed, even at odds in such a toxic environment. Extremely active on the forums, on IRC, and in-game, bowen199 will definitely have the capability to be a leader who listens to his people at a moment's notice.

Furthermore, bowen199 has displayed his profound ability to mediate conflicts as well as draw up solutions and compromises which can be deemed as something only an experienced and intelligent individual would be able to do. The time he has spent in Switzerland, although only some months now, has clearly allowed bowen199 to showcase his talent, and that is why, the Guillotinist Guild has chosen him to lead our nation.

As you take a bite from your toasty baguettes, and a sip from your luxurious glass of wine, I encourage all of you to vote for bowen199 for the March presidential elections! Hail Baguettes!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
Grand Master of the Guillotinist Guild