The Guillotinist Guild for Congress! (April 2012)

Day 1,617, 16:02 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

My dear children,

Step into my bakery as I show you an array of baguettes to choose from. This will be the Guillotinist Guild's third month participating in the Congress elections, and I am excited to see all six of our official candidates elected into Congress. And so, without further ado, let me provide you with your choices. Make sure to pick the most suitable baguette out of all these holy delicacies.


Sugawara Michizane




Monsieur Guillontine



Every day, our guild grows in size. Why? It's quite obvious that we are the party who brings the most fun to Switzerland, and no one shall suppress our holy movement. Soon, we shall be heard all around the world, and soon, the world shall believe in the one true faith, Guillotinism!

I hope that you will choose your baguette wisely, because your voice really does matter! Vote for the Guillotinist Guild! Hail Baguettes!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
Grand Master of the Guillotinist Guild