The Future of eS.A

Day 373, 11:45 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

Where are we going? What are we doing?

People of eS.A, There are trying times ahead. We need to work togeather as one to make this ecountry great again. There are to many people out there trying to line there own pockets with ZAR. We need workers in the food, housing, defence, grain and hospital industies. We do not have enough food to feed the growing population. We cannot produce enough houses to put a roof over peoples heads. I ask all citzens that work in the Diamond industry to work towards placing food on peoples tables, roofs over peoples heads, a hospital to go to in time of war, and a Fort to defend what we have. Do you want to starve? Do you not want to own a house? Do you not need a hospital to attend to your sickness and wounds? Do you not want to feel secure in your ecountry with a fort to defend you?

If you agree with anyone of these then work for the future of eS.A. To have ZAR and nothing to spend it on, what good is it to you? I ask you to please work for your ecountry. We need to achieve this before the the problem becomes dire. General Moishe has asked people to enlist in the Army of eS.A. I emplore all to do so.

People, do this please and in the future you can say that you helped make eS.A what she is. Dont do it and you can blame youself for watching her fall apart.