The eUSA grows weary of the fight...

Day 2,354, 13:01 Published in Canada Canada by J.Canuck

"I really don't agree with the way they do things, but even I have to admit these fu**ers are crazy in battle

I have no interest in going back over the events of the latest war between the United States and Canada. The subject has been talked to death, both sides have made mistakes. What I do want to discuss however, is how we move forward. So long as the balance of power between the two main alliances is roughly the same, and so long as Canada is willing to be a pain in our a$$ the United States will be unable to do anything truly of note. Rather we will spend our time fighting to keep our bonuses, with any attempt to do something else continually hampered by Serbian supported Canadian resistance wars. This rings true for the Canadians as well, I'd imagine fighting in the same RW's consistently is much less interesting than what they could be doing. I am not interested in fighting in pointless resistance wars when they can be avoided."

- Bucephalus92, in his newspaper

Hold fast to the Ryldian Pain In Their Ass Doctrine fellow crazy f-ers!

They grow weary of the battle and yearn to fight a less fearsome and determined foe!

(Thataway to eLuxembourg!)