The CP Race analysis you need to read

Day 1,804, 03:11 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Hi, I'm Mr Crumpets and I'm running for President... oops, sorry! Old habits do die hard!

Over the years of playing eRepublik, I wasn't just known for losing elections or being the scare campaign king. In my first year of playing I was known as one of country's best political analysts... able to fair point out the pros and cons of each candidate (including the aborted June 2010 campaign, which myself and four others were running in).

Today I will look at the three candidates that are in the hunt to be this country's president and their pros and cons (to date).


Ranger Bob is like the guru who sits at the top of the mountain.
Rarely does the man get involved in the fights/scraps happening down below. Occasionally someone will come up to him and ask for an opinion, which in return will be generally brief, but wise.

Ranger is a legendary figure held in high regard by most in this country. He was last leader when I was eBorn as CrowdedHouse way back in mid-2009. His party at the time was ADSP, now long gone.

Ranger's strength was leading a country occupation (to Indonesia) and having to negotiate with them the release of some of our states.

Ranger has decided to at last raise his hand to be leader again and lead a unity government.

Will this lead him to victory... absolutely.

Will his unity government succeed... NO!

As much as I have great respect for Ranger Bob, unity is a word that has been used too many times and failed to yield results for this country.

If Ranger was to lead a successful unity, he would, in my opinion, have to leave out a number of close friends from his government.

This is for two reasons...

1) Ego: There are a lot people in this country (me included) with an ego... from all different political persuasions. It's impossible to have them all in the same government working together and it's impossible to have some in and leave some out... all, I repeat all, with a big ego would have to be left out.

2) Dumping some good, but old tooth players: Despite his opponent Wingfield going a little 'off tap' he has raised an excellent point. Despite many changes in leaders, a lot of older players have held down their same government or military jobs. There's no denying those players have tried their best, but the results are not on the board for them. The question facing Ranger is... can he replace them with some new, yet qualified blood?


Wingfield cam flying out of the blocks early. As soon as the October election was over, Wingfeld began his campaign for November.

Wingfield comes from the party I founded, The Green and Gold Party. The GGP in versions one and two (and during it's eRepublik Alliance phase) was a centre party all about reform. It never really was a 'kick down the door' party (except in a few arguments with the ANP), but was all about looking at things differently.

Wingfield's first week of campaigning hinted as this type of approach, declaring we needed a shake up - which is true. Some were welcoming, others cautious.

All of that went to hell when he attacked Ranger Bob over his Unity Government plan... the slid further down when he attacked fellow citizens.

Attacking other candidates only works when, say your up against the ANP, and the contest is between 3 or 4 even candidates. The tactic there is to split the vote and hope you win a tight contest on the back of your core. Attacking a clear and likeable favourite just gives him the victory.

Wingfield will come second in the contest, but will be a long way behind Ranger. The reason is clear. His ticked off the long serving players, who will vote for Ranger early. This puts his name first on the ballot, where n00bs will most likely click. Game Over.

One point I should raise though in fairness, is the attack against Wingfield about his suggestion not to use the forums. A party CAN succeed and operate well without being on the forum. This was proven by Paul Hamon and his PaPP. Though the PaPP never won a CP race, they got close several times and held a fair number of seats over many months.

If only Wingfield had stuck to being more moderate and tempered in his writing, he still could have contested this election with some respect. He would have still lost, but it would have done his future chances no harm.


Irule777 is the current Vice President of Australia and member of the APP.

Irule777's campaign to date has been fairly low-key, moderate and considered.

Unlike Wingfield who went 'off tap' at the talk of Unity Government, Irule777 has decided to play the ball and not the man. He has stuck to the issues at hand and gives a good explanation.

He may not be winning votes at this stage, but is certainly winning respect in the community with his approach.

It's very ironic. With all this talk of 'Unity' from Ranger Bob and 'Reform' from Wingfeld, irule777 seems to offer the best of both worlds, but is not seen to be a chance at this stage.

There is a flaw though to irule777 at the moment. He is deputy to PhoenixGreen in his Government. A government that has stalled. Like many before, promised so much, got off to a flying start... then like public service always is... it got boring and mundane, so the little things stopped.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's education and information (very important in this game) that's gone quiet.

However, if Irule777 can jump start the Government and get it firing on all engines again, it just boost his chances on election day.

Like I said earlier, there is no doubt that Ranger Bob is the clear favourite to win, with Wingfield to nudge out Irule777 for second.

Who am I going to vote for?

Hard to say at this stage. I like Irule777's moderate approach, but he, like both Ranger and Wingfield are yet to convince me that there cabinets will work for the full term.

I'm Mr Crumpets.... and that's my opinion.