The Come Back of Rejep Dectash

Day 1,360, 07:18 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by xam xam

Once upon a time in Thrace Vasilis Xatzis was born on 13rd of February of the year 2009. Until then e-Greece was occupied by Turkish forces. Vasilis Xatzis fought bravely with his comrades for the liberation of the mother land. Everything was going according to the plan but something came up to his life that changed everything, it was a turkish girl named Nazli.

He fell in love instantly and forgot his origins, he even changed religion and name and became a muslim called Rejep Dectash. For the sake of this young lady he changed side and did monstrous damage against e-Greece, thus he was forced to exile for seven months in e-Cyprus. His family and friends lost touch with him and haven't heard of him since then.

But through this TV show we managed to find and contact him. He is now a well respected individual of e-Cyprus, former country president and temporary congress man and he is doing well. Rejep Dectash we offer you this package, you can open it whenever you feel ready.

It is brought to you by someone you haven't spoken for months and it comes from greece. Do you recognise the content of this package ?

Do you want to go meet the people that sent it ? what's your answer ?

Pame Paketo (Idiom meaning "we are always together") - popular talkshow now in its fourth year, that deals with human interest stories such as reuniting people, fulfilling dreams and connecting individuals who want to correct past mistakes in their lives. Hosted by Viki Xatzivasileiou. Airs Thursdays at 9pm.

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