The Boblo Interrogations #5 - Johnobrow

Day 1,238, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

This is the fifth in our highly regular series of interviews (5 in 3 years), featuring our lead reporter Bob Boblo and the shady rogues gallery that make up the eUK political scene. He tracked down former PCP PP Johnobrow to a commune in Norfolk, where I looked past the unsettling aroma of recreational drug use to have a fascinating discussion with one of the eUKs most controversial citizens.

Bob Boblo: Many have described you as a radical. Do you ever find it difficult having unpaired electrons in an open shell configuration?
Johnobrow: All the time. People pigeon hole me and expect me to be a certain way all of the time and often I fall into the trap of playing up to their expectations of what unpaired electrons in an open shell configuration should be like. Truth is I'm not really like that, I'm quite an ordinary bloke to be honest - just have an unusual particle composition. People need to get over their preconceptions and prejudices. It's not easy having unpaired electrons in an open shell configuration.

BB:You have often said you're fundamental goal in erepublik is revolution; why do you think it is imperative that people spin in 360 degrees circles?
J: Spinning in anything but a 360 degree circle is the manifestation of a false consciousness. A circle can only be 360 degrees, despite the claim from the bourgeois oppressor that circles are in fact 0 degrees.

BB: What is that attracted you to PCP, or phenclyciadine as it known more formally known, and have you ever been tempted to switch allegiance to another psychoactive drug?
J: Smoke weed erryday.

BB: One of the more controversial presidencies in eUK history was that of long-time People's Communist Party member Bob Boblo. What did you think of his presidency?
J: Controversial is the right word. Was one of those presidencies that I think you either hated or loved. Frankly I think a lot agree though that it was a lot of fun, no?

BB: In October you ran for president yourself, but lost the erection. What was it that made you no longer aroused?
J: When jamesw forgot to candidate the prospect of coming second, or heaven forbid even winning, became a real possibility. I just didn't and don't find that sexy. It's only cool to be an edgy outsider, everybody knows this.

BB: What do you think the People's Communist Party needs to do to revive its former glorys?
Purge the party of all revisionist elements and run Bob Boblo for President again. That'd be a real return to glory right there.

BB: What are views on TERRA? Is it safe for the UK to be in an alliance that George Bush has declared war on?
J: People forget that the first US president to declare war on TERRA was Ronald Reagan and he was a cowboy so I wouldn't wanna mess with him.

BB: How far do you think communsim can go in erepublik?
Ironically for communism to truly succeed erepublik has to be destroyed

BB: Finally, who would win a fight between The Master Chief and Banana Man?
J: Banana Man. Master Chef is a shit show.

BB: Thank you for your time
J: You should ask me more questions when I'm stoned tbh.


Next Edition: Next, I will be interviewing former Belgium Minister of Defence, Temujin94

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