The Boblo Interrogations #1: Dishmcds

Day 325, 13:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

In a dazzling new series, The Freudian Slip takes its first bold steps into serious journalism as our Chief reporter and Super Supreme Executive Head of Quality Journalism Bob Boblo tracks down Dishmcds (The Ace of Trades) in a seedy Aurum lap dancing club in Liverpool.....

BB: Why did you choose the UK Ministry of Trade as your retirment home?

Dish: Well, largely because of the large amount of space in the office. I mean, it's huge and was largely unoccupied. I have three couches in here, and now I have multiple apprentices to bring me my coffee, cream, and Icy Hot.

BB: Can UK still be competitive in the international market despite the introduction of raw materials?

Dish: Well, it's going to be tough, because we already have oil. As an American, I look for any excuse necessary to invade other countries for oil, yet we already have some. It's had me up at night trying to figure out which reason I can give for invading France.

BB: The MoT has recently engineered a trade agreement with Ireland, but there has still yet to be masses of guiness imported into the UK. Who is to blame for this and how do you plan to solve this problem?

Dish: Well, to be honest the problem is a former UKer. I've sent MI6 over to recon the situation, and he's built an industrial size warehouse with a refridgerated storage facility, and certain plans are in the works. We're currently assessing the competency of the Irish security forces, but how secure can a bunch of drunkards really be?

BB: You have recently been quoted as saying curry regulation 'can turn a nighttime sleeping economy into a boomer'. Why do you think Indian food has such a profound effect?

Dish: If you look into history, one of the greatest economical finds was the invasion, er, exploration of India. It sprung into one of the World's largest trade routes. The introduction of the trade should turn our sleepy economy into the World's Greatest. The only problem is silencing those who have done it for 500 years already.

BB: Aurum have been heavily criticised for trying monopoly. Do you feel they must move on to new board games?

Dish: Well, we've already tried Risk, Life, and Sorry and they just dont seem to come up with the desired results. Usually we just all end up with wives, multiple children, and savings bonds which are currently going into the toilet with recent market conditions. We decided on Monopoly simply because it didnt involve spouses.

BB: Finally, what do you feel needs to be done economically as we approach V1?

Dish: Well, in all seriousness, everyone should just donate their money to me and allow me to invest it. I'll return it in small portions, I promise 😛

Next Edition: TBA (Although rumour has it reclusive celebrity and TRP posterboy Bunyan is to make a rare public interview)