The battle of WA

Day 1,132, 09:06 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

Todays lost sends a message to us eAustralians, that there will be no repeat of the Resistance Wars. They have signaled the intent and lets be honest they will get it if they truly want it.

Many fought and supplied so hard tonight but i cannot be left to fell the anger in my when our President decided to cut any hope we had left to win the war. And then even better releases an article saying be a patriot and give funds her for the WA battle. They give it to an org no one could use to fight with? we where left with nothing but our soldiers kept fighting on.

Then people who said it was over and to give up already, these people where proven wrong, through hard work and persistence we pushed the damn eIndo scum to the last minutes and gave them a real run for there money.

People like Savonrepus, Mack Craft, Larni Kaddlestorm, Gareth Irwin using there own gold to tear up the eIndos even without funds, my hat goes off to you.

Then there was players, new to community who wanted give so much. Henry_the_8th donated 100 gold to tanks to help battle, whilst Desmond Lockhearth gave all he could as well scrambled for guns and food to use, he even donated all his money to winning the war, i will never ever forget that.

Then there was our foreign help from people who only helped to help it's bro, these sort of people are the reason i have stayed in this game for so long, people like Josh Carter, Snayke, Salesman who where on at the wee hours to lend us sorry eAussies a hand, did they owe us? no
. they and much more did it to help a bro without there government or military influencing them.

The people i want to thank the most are the eAustralians and allies who stayed up till 4 am in the morning to help. there is no one as committed as you guys and i have to thank Hinokai, Sir Terrifico, Wozzup1223, Arthur Cole for helping my find people who could help fight, you guys where awesome.

A big thank you to everyone who fought so hard for eAustralia, i am truly sorry not acknowledge your contribution but i would be here all night if i had to name everyone of you : )

I am not sure if i am going to play eRepublik anymore after tonight, i am gonna take a day or two off if i come back ready to fight then i will, if not i will write my last article and leave.

Viva la resistance!

Ps made this in 4 in the morning mind my grammar and don't judge me!