Thank you

Day 3,487, 05:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Citizens of eBelgium,

thank you for electing me as your CP for June.

During this term we'll see if the whispers in the dark of the Latvians leaving eBe are true. For now they are here, and still an opportunity to earn some income.

Stay alert for future changes too in the eWorld, residency, cities, mayors, budgets. Who knows what that'll bring. I have not set up shop anywhere for now, waiting to see how things work out as more details and mechanics are known.

For the 33 voters in the country, please speak up, comment, make suggestions, whatever. Not many of us left in this small country.

As some might have noticed, my opponent in the elections decided to start an Impeachment vote in Congress, even before voting results were confirmed by the all mighty Admins. Guess I must be doing something right then 🙂

And do take a look at the previous articles, 10G still to be earned. Next week I'll release some more hints at how to solve it.

