Thank You South Africa, You Sexy Country

Day 472, 10:50 Published in South Africa Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Thank you to all my friends, supporters and fellow eSouth Africans for electing me president and for making this such a vibrant and active campaign. I never dreamed I'd get over 100 votes or even 50, for that matter, and I never thought I could actually win. The overwhelming support I have received is a testament to the media and organizational skills of my BLF comrades as well as the willingness of many FA, SACP, and other non-BLF citizens who honorably placed their country before their party. I am truly humbled by the incredible outpouring of support I received from all of you. Even I cannot believe how sexy this country is.

Despite some harsh words and partisan bickering between the various parties, I am proud to say that Browski and I maintained civility between each other personally and have retained our friendship. I look forward to working with him in the future and to cooperating with the FA and teh Congress in moving eSouth Africa forward. Browski is a good leader and led a formidable campaign and defeating him took enormous effort on my part and on the part of my supporters.

I would also like to take this time to give special thanks to Joey the Redd and Ryan Dagari for forsaking their own presidential campaigns to throw their support and that of their parties behind me. Without your sacrifice, I could not have won. I am deeply grateful to you and your parties for putting the country before party. You will always have a say in my administration. I would also like to give thanks to my good friend Deus Ex for returning from retirement to give his support to his old comrade Jizzie. He had left eR many months ago and was near death, but when he heard that his fellow BLF co-founder Jizzie was running for president he put his busy life aside to write an article and vote for me. For those of you who don't know my history, Deus was the one who rescued me from Indo occupation in the early days and gave me a job and a new life in free South Africa. I would not be here if it was not for Mr. Deus Ex. I owe him my e-life and now I am indebted to him for helping me become the president of the greatest country in eRepublik. Thank you Deus. Love to you always.

I have revised the cabinet and its appointees and will post that shortly (I already did, but had it disappear when I pressed "publish" - an hour of writing shot down the tubes). I apologize ahead of time to anyone who had a post in my tentative cabinet and who no longer do. Rest assured that if you are not made a department head you will still have a say in my government. I am open to any and all ideas, regardless of party, that will make our country greater, stronger and more prosperous.

Thank you again eSouth Africa. I promise not to disappoint you.