T-2 days

Day 3,363, 07:57 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Citizens of eBelgium,

2 days from election, tomorrow my last article before voting day, but first this one to read of course.

Beginning of my current term, it was pretty hectic. I acted quickly, sometimes too quickly perhaps. So one of the things I'll be doing slightly different is communication. So as CP I'll be happy to get a message thread going for those interested in what decisions I want to make and how you all feel about it.
Want a faster line with me, as a player, as CP : oldskool can come to IRC, still on rizon, #eBrussels, those who want fancier stuff, there's a discord server also.

And I did not get to have a contest this month, busy RL, busy here, I just lost track of time. But February there'll be one, have any ideas, let me know.

As mentioned before, tomorrow will be my last article before voting day, I'll also release an article as CP about the current status of state-affairs as about the month as a whole.

Yours humbly,
