Standing for Party Elections for the UKRP

Day 140, 09:30 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

dear citizens, dear UKRP members, and dear E-republik members,

I've got back from France a few days ago and although he had already told me this months ago, I read that our beloved president Kaleb will not stand for the upcoming party elections. I always hoped that he would stay in power a little longer because, let's face it, Kaleb can be considered the best damm president this game has and ever had. From his biggest fans to his greatest adversaries, all must admit this: He was a true leader and brought great well-fare to E-UK. Kaleb has changed this country for a sh*twhole to a superpower, both military and economically. And I think E-UK owes him allot for that.

I have been with Kaleb since the beginning of this party (and just a few weeks since the beginning of this game as well), and since I was chairman of UKRP and sort of right hand of kaleb, I've seen more then most ppl how the UK has changed and the influence Kaleb had on this. I remember the start, where we began with brining in structure and communication in our E-country (we created the forum for that and when I look at the forum today and see that there almost constantly at least 5 ppl online, I know that it was a great success where the UK has profited from allot), I remember our first election against BDF and his party, the heated debates we had, then the coming of 313 to e-rep (remember the hard start we had in the beginning 😃 ), all the discussions with other country leaders, the pacts and many more great occasions that has happened here.

although I originally wasn't planning to, I have decided to stand for the upcoming party elections, why? because I want to continue the great work kaleb has already done. I want to continue the great E-UK and its great E-inhabitants have already done and I would hate it to see us fall to prey to other nations.

With this announcement, my honesty also obliges me to warn all who want to vote for me: I will never be as good as kaleb. He knows way more of economics then I do and he has more time then I do. I hope, that I will be able to count on his support and on that of some others by governing this party and (possibly in a later stage) this country. I cannot to this job alone and I hope I have the support of all of you. As you may have already concluded out of this article, the policy I will try to follow will be the same the present one. Whether it will be as good or not, only time can telll, but I promise you all this: I will do my best!! I will do everything within my power to bring this nation to that spot that says "ranking: 1. United Kingdom"

To conclude I would also like to seize the opportunity in this article to thank kaleb for his great effort in E-UK: thanx lego-headed president, modern leaders could learn allot from you. ;-D

And to end this article there rests me nothing more to say then this: VOOOOOOOOTE FOR MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!