Spamicans the Real voice of the Military ??

Day 837, 06:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

Who is the voice of the Military ?

The Real Spamicans challenged all UK parties
to a 'who is the voice of the military' competion

The Parties selected spokesman had to
convince Tom Morgan and Pensive the
validity of thier partys claim to the title

"Oooh hello sailor,i have the biggest majority
here and i'll show you my poll to prove it"

Only the most persuasive get selected
to go through to the second round .....

Spamicans,BEP and the TUP make it

Dealing with Trooper_c's touching issues
proves too much for the TUP entrant


"You want to do what to me Trooper??!!"

Leaving it a straight contest between
The Real Spamicans and the BEP

"Right you orrilbe little man,call yourself
the voice of the military will yer!"

A debate then takes place in which the
Spamicans come out the clear winners



BEP contestant takes defeat badly

"I can't believe i lost,i'm a lion,Roaaarrrrr!"

The Real Spamican spokesman
had this message for the UK

"Whatever party you belong to JOIN THE UK MILITARY !!"

The Real Spamicans

voice of the military*

(*this is a personal opinion and may not be true)

Join us and together we can PTO the UK \o/


you could join the Navy,Marines or Paras

Either way the Real Spamicans are behind you !

Horice TRS spokesman 🙂