So much for a united eAustralia

Day 1,836, 04:28 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Well, we've just lost our 4th ranked eAustralia player.

In the last 24 hours, Wingfield resigned as Party President of the Green and Gold Party and has left the country, accepting citizenship in the country he started out, the eUSA.

Right to the very end he was the subject of personal trolling attacks.

I find it ironic that while Ranger Bob is calling on senate and all eAustralians to welcome new players, he turns a blind eye to those in Cabinet who quite frankly trolled and bullied a player out of the country.

Yes it can be said that Wingfield might have said some dumb things in articles, but let's be honest, most, if not all of us, would have posted things like that if we were subjected to the flaming he was.

On the forums, I noticed this comment in a post by Sir_c0nstant...

What Wingfield, Icetek and others say is true regarding IRC, forums, these are not FUN and welcoming places if you do not follow the 'crowd'

That is why there is a ground swell of consistant votes for mr crocodile, GnG, Wingfield or against those that want people to conform, and until you realise that and change your outlook on others then there will never be a united country.

It's fair to say in the past I haven't been SC's biggest supporter, but over the last week we've been emailing each other about things since the 'PTO' announcement and we were both disgusted.

We agreed that the people causing harm just couldn't see it. They were in their own world blind to the harm they were doing our own community.

In fact, for those old enough, we had done this all before.

Paul Hamon was Party President of the PAPP, an up and coming party.

He was elected to senate and at the same time had created an ad for his party. For n00bs, years ago in eRepublik there was ads down the left hand side promoting parties, candidates and newspapers.

Paul created an ad that would automatically sing up someone as a member of his party if they clicked it. At the time he didn't know it was against the rules until alerted. He contacted admin and apologised.

However, in senate a witch hunt began. Despite him admitting an honest mistake and eRepublik admin not penalising him, players asked for him to be banned for a number of days.

Instead, Paul took his bat and ball and left. He would continue to play out the game, outside of the forums, and still run a successful party.

Paul helped many players and to be honest would have been great in someone's government... but others showed him the door.

So, because someone wouldn't "conform" we show them the door.

How much better would our nation have been with Paul Hamon and his n00b friendly policy? How much better would our nation with Wingfield dropping some massive damage on the battlefield?

How much better would our nation be with a more active Miss Wolf or H.Nelson, who are just probably doing the minimum because they are sick of the s**t?

I just find it ironic that while these type of players just scale back or leave, the same clique of people are in power... maybe, just maybe they might wake up some day and say... sorry - don't like those chances.

I'll leave the last words to a post from Mr. Crocodile, who he himself did not confirm, made a mistake once and has been falsely branded by the others as a multier...

wingfield went to the USA. Congratulations! After the last elections rigged to exclude GGP of the top five, you did leave one of the veterans in Australia. Congratulations to all those people! Sucks!