Should I stay or should I go now?

Day 3,507, 09:33 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Citizens of eBelgium,

time to vote again, at least for those in Congress.

Next week the general public will get their opportunity to choose a new Country President, but this one is reserved for the Congress Members.

So the ruling elite 😉 will have to cast a vote.

Continu with me, as I said before : not many changes to look for. I know the war is getting boring but I can not honestly see any other options.

- a real war? Living under a wipe will just be as boring and even more detrimental to the economy and damage output
- all regions free? For the large company owners they'll earn a little more every day, but still wondering what the extent is of that income and what the goals are, just sitting it out waiting for positive changes in eRep?
- all regions free? 20 more Congress medals to be earned on a population of maybe 20 actively playing citizens and maybe 20 2-clicking and not really bothered about the going ons besides cheap labor and support of friends?

I feel with those doing the daily grind : working, training, hitting. With little or no real purpose anymore, I for one have set myself a few petty goals to keep myself in the game. There are still some changes coming, who knows what they bring however.

So vote and be at peace 🙂

And hell, do solve the riddle. Previous articles, read the comments, the monument has been found, now forget that wall (another hint)

