SHIELD Operation SGS Update

Day 2,046, 00:12 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Shields up America o7 ! A while back I published an article announcing Operation SGS, I thought it was time for an update on said operation. What has SHIELD been up to?

We have been first and foremost fighting to defend American interests. With mixed success. Fighting overseas in aiding our allies we have seen success. At home we have seen much initial defeat. We fight on. The Tides and Fortunes of war ebb and flow. Our time will come. More on that later.

Thanks to Darian Dracona, the SHIELD Artillery Division has been riding the power of the rocket. We have been raining down destruction and defiance on the forces of Two. As iterated in my previous article rocket production is expensive. SHIELD will take any and all donations of gold and q1-q6 weapons. The more you give the longer we can launch fiery darts at our enemies.

It occurs to me that I have drifted away from my roots a bit in recent weeks. I am a Proud and Horny Fed/Agent of SHIELD. My party knows this, my MU knows this, and I hope my country knows this. This next little bit is not to toot my own horn, so please bear with me. I am currently working on the Federalist Express staff, I am a reserve Fed FBI agent, I served on the Fed Media staff, I am the SHIELD Communications Officer, a SHIELD regiment captain, a Fed Senator, the Fed Political Director, and as of this Congressional term, the Fed Caucus Whip.

I have been a Federalist since April. I am here to tell you the AFA/RGR line about the Feds being elitist is plain and simple manure. The Feds are a merit based party. I am proof of that. I came in and volunteered to serve the party. When I was given a job, I did it as quickly and as skillfully as I could. This was recognized, and more opportunities were offered. All of the above is well and good, but I'm not here to sing my praises. I have strayed from what is my real passion in this game: writing lulzy articles.

I intend to fulfill my duties to Party, MU, and Country. However, I am renewing my commitment to quality media. As many may have noticed we are in the throes of an invasion. Everyday we lose more regions, and a wipe may be imminent. It may look bleak, but we've been here before. I was born in Russian occupied Utah during WW3. Hungary, Russia, and Indonesia were swallowing up the North American map. We were whittled down to just Florida, and the then forces of PEACE blinked. In one of the greatest heists in erepublik history then President Emerick conned the Indonesians into closing their activated mpps against us, and our allies seized initiative against Hungary and Russia. We liberated the North American map. Game mechanics have changed, and many things went right, but we never gave up. Similarly now we must not give up.

Fight on against seemingly impossible odds.

Who knows there might even be a hot ass tatted up Martian Princess in it for you!

If you're not in an MU join one, it goes without saying, but I highly recommend SHIELD. We will feed, equip, and strap rockets to you to help you blow stuff up. All you gotta do is commune, wear your uniform, and fire your tanks/rockets at Two. Follow DoD, and MU orders, we're outnumbered so we must direct our firepower where it will be the most beneficial. Do this and we will win the ultimate prize.

Just remember America: