Running for New Era PP

Day 2,124, 16:37 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Running for New Era PP

As in explained in :

New Era is just undergoing one of its lowest moments in recent
times. chewchew was a desired fresh breeze, but it's been a great
failure in:
- presence: no media, even in government, we can't barely see
anything enriching the history of New Era. I see the post of vCP more
a personal achievment of himself than anything else.

- myth: Chewchew has despised all the traditional myths of New Era, except
one, opportunities for everyone. In fact, he has proposed a new set
of myths, which is partially destructive, since he wants to level
us to a new ESO , or something similar.

- ideas: I miss the goku-sven and even myself times. This term has
been blatantly empty of new ideas.

For all this, and to preserve the New Era essence I ask for your vote
for PP.