Return Ticket Is Ready - No Citizenship For you Guys.

Day 858, 17:17 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Dear Citizenship Hunters,

I tell you this with great disappointment that it is time to pack up your bags and go back to where ever you came from as Pakistan will not be giving any citizenships for this month with just a citizenship Request.

Our answer to you is no !!

Oh maybe we can consider you if you donate 5000 Gold to our treasury and maybe we will actually give you citizenship if you donate 5000000 Gold. We all know you wont be able to pull that off therefore your citizenship has been rejected

Rejected Individuals
Ace Zombie

You have been rejected.

Congress Members do not give citizenship to people who beg you in personal messages or offer you gold tell them to get out your country like a proud pakistani

Have a Good Day

Ahsan Shahbaz
Minister for Foreign Affairs