Religious Persecution in the eUK !!

Day 901, 01:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil
The Historic Times will today tell the shocking story of the religious persecution that is happening in the eUK

Messiah and religious leader Bob Boblo has been cast from these shores by the tyrannical forum admins...

The Admins called Bob Boblo to come before them

"Bwing the webel Boblo to me wight now,fow he is a wude wascal,
i want to wemove him fwom my fowum,oh and also get me Wodger!"

The Boblist Pope Mr Brodie attempted to appeal
to the admins better nature on Bob Boblo behalf

"You can't Ban The Boblo the eUK needs him
and his words of wisdom he is the Messiah!"

Pope Brodie was roughly thrown to
the ground and completely ignored

Bob Boblo then spoke...

&quot😉o you know how old mr Brodie is you utter utter Bastar@# !"

Boblo was then manhandled and brought
before the admins to face his accusers

"We have testimony to prove that he is just a spammer and nothing more"

Melophore a member of the heathen SDP clan
was then brought before the admin team

"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"

This amused even the admins cold dead hearts

LOL "he's a very naughty boy!"

The Admins then made their wuling

"The wabble wouser Bob Boblo will be wemoved in a
wough manner fwom the eUK!
We wefute his claims,he is a waggermuffin and a webel !"

Bob Boblo could not believe they could do this
to him after all he had done for the eUK

"I can't believe you could do this to me after all i have done for the eUK"

Bob Boblo was then lead from the forums
to the place of permanent banning

"I say chaps this does seem a bit extreme,
it is only a text based game after all"

But his words again fell upon deaf ears


So we appeal to all right thinking people of the eUK
Help stop this religious persecution now...


Horice 😛