Regionalism/ Federalism in Erepublik Rising

Day 968, 15:24 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

So today I'm here to talk about my thoughts on the fortress strategy, how the strategy for Congressional elections and party recruiting will change, and what I think the admin will to to add to the regionalism that is bound to happen due to to the change in the military module. I decided to write this article due to these two threads on the US forum.,26190.0.html,26129.0.html

So first off lets talk about the current fortress strategy. Basically the United States had two Q5 hospitals placed in California and Florida. The government then directed all US citizens to move to one of two fortress states to build up the wall and make it cost more gold for our enemies to pay if they wanted to attack the region. This helped us defend ourselves from an invasion after WWIII finished.

Although with v1 military strategy it was great it did have a few drawbacks. For one it reduced state pride. During the beta version of erepublik we had mayors who were basically governors of each region. Most people lived in their real life state and enjoyed the community with their fellow neighbors. When v1 came out with the elimination of mayors and later with the fortress strategy it caused that element of the game to be removed. Also the US government had to pay and convince every citizen to move to a fortress state. Some people didn't.

Also noobs would try to fight, couldn't use a hospital and would end up with very low wellness. So either they quit the game out of frustration or else we had to pay through food and gifts to bring there wellness back up. With v2 out and the new military module arriving this is all about to change.

Hospitals are going to be used for only soldiers to reboot their health when they are on the battle field. Non fighting citizens who either think the military module is boring, too complicated, time consuming, or want to focus on their economic well being have no need for a state with a hospital.

Many will likely move back to their original state. It is true that the higher the population the more gold it costs to attack the region. However I don't think this will convince many people to stay. The wall is eliminated so staying in the region isn't going to really help win a battle once it starts. Winning will be based more on the quality of a soldiers weapons and strength and on the ability of commanding officers to strategize and relay orders through the chain of command.

This directly affects the strategy of Congressional candidates and party presidents and recruiters. Before unless you were running in a fortress state the candidate for Congress would have to move to the state he was running in a few days before the election and try and convice his friends and colleagues to move also and vote for him or her. Almost always paying for the moving tickes and gifts to reboost their wellness.

Now Congressman will mostly just campaign for members inside of their home state. The states will now be truly represented by their Congressperson and not by just a rag tag group of voters. This will also change recruiting strategies for party presidents. Recruiters will now probably be split up into districts covering a group of neighbor states and not just going after a random collection of non registered voters. I must give credit to Shermain for this idea.

The admin released a statement a little over a month ago on their forums stating that they will start to work on a new political module after v2 comes out. Unfortunately I can't find the statement but if someone knows the link please just put i in a comments. I believe that erepublik is being set up to bring regional politics back into the game. They've pretty much eliminated the fortress strategy with the new military module now allowing voters to move to different regions. The admin did state after they eliminated mayors that they might bring it back. I think they will.

Having mayors (I hope they call it governors because that would make more sense) will give politicians a way to get their feet wet and prove themselves to the voters. Being a governor should be fun however they shouldn't have too much power and voters should have the ability to have a recall just in case we get an idiot or a Hugarian in the position. They should be able to change property taxes as in beta, issue state holidays, and well you get the idea. Also maybe there should be a state legislative branch. Perhaps I'm streaching the capabilities of erepublik but it would be a cool idea.

In conclusion I believe that the new military module will severely change the politics of the US and other larger countries. I think the admin are setting themselves up to bring back the mayors and make a more interesting political module for everyone. I hope you enjoyed my article as I hope to write more like this in the future. Please vote, shout, and subscribe.