Prolog I.

Day 2,129, 14:34 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

As I announced, I'm starting a new phase about studying and building a game around the game. For that purpose, I am using a programming language called prolog:

Go to:

and paste :
isatool('hammer', 20, 3).
isatool('screw', 1, 2).

effort(Force, X, []):- Force = effort(Force, Cost, [X| Restlistitems]):- isatool(X, Forcetool, Costtool ),
Remainingforce is Force - Forcetool,
effort(Remainingforce, Remainingcost, Restlistitems ), Cost is Remainingcost + Costtool.

withleastcost(Force, Cost, X ):- effort(Force,Cost, 😵, \+ cheaper(Force, Cost, _),!.
cheaper(Force, Cost, 😵:- effort(Force, Cost2, 😵, Cost > Cost2.

in the left windown ""

and paste:

withleastcost(23, X,Y).
in the textbox who reads "STDIN Input: "

Press the "execute " button and you'll get in the right:

X = 6
Y = [hammer,hammer]


Exactly, prolog can compute best solutions for complex problems. Needless to say that this is one of the simplest examples.

My aim is to model economic erep and perhaps military to get interesting data... or a game in the long run.

Let's see. I'll post results here , not the models itself to prevent plato clamining ownership. Anyway, some results will be interesting. I think.