Prime Minister Election - The analysis you should read

Day 1,813, 23:39 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good Evening eAustralia,

Well almost 24 hours have passed since Ranger Bob was elected Prime Minister of eAustralia - returning to the big chair some three years since he last sat in.

So what do we make of his victory and that of those who did not win?

Ranger Bob - 104 Votes (50% of all votes cast)

In a normal situation, gaining half the vote in a four horse race would be an outstanding result, however in this election, it could be classed as a satisfactory (but not sensational) win.

To be true, there was only three real contenders in the race, with the ANP Anti-PTO fielding a 'blocking candidate'.

With his convincing win in the 'Unity Government' pre-poll election over iRule777; Wingfield getting a number of older, out-spoken players ticked off; and his legendary status amongst eAustralians, one would have expected Ranger Bob to take at least 60% to two-thirds of the vote.

Falling short of this (despite the win) would have to steal a little bit of Ranger Bob's momentum coming into his first days in office (for this term).

Overall, Ranger Bob has half the nation behind him, but his opponents will argue he has half the nation against him! Talk about a coin flip!

Wingfield - 68 votes (32.69% of all votes cast)

The big surprise of this election is Wingfield. After his explosion at the suggestion of a 'Unity Government', the anti-forum candidate was expected to have his backside handed to him on a plate... instead he gave a legendary eAustralian figure a run for his money!

At times Wingfield was just under 20 votes away from Ranger Bob. For those who believe in a PTO influence (debunked later in this article), it didn't come - if it had, it would have pushed Wingfield well over the line.

What we witnessed has left us puzzled. Even if the regular GGP voters showed up, there's still about 20-30 votes unaccounted for. Where did they come from?

One theory is some ANP voters might have been unhappy about the 'Unity Government' process and throw their weight behind Wingfield.

Another theory is Wingfield might have done a Paul Hamon and focused all his efforts on campaigning to new players (who are not that aware of Ranger Bob) and gained their votes.

Or maybe... just maybe... there's a quiet core of eAustralians who are just not that crazy about forums and decided to stop remaining silent?

Maybe we'll never know the answer.

irule777 - 28 votes (13.46% of all votes cast)

Could irule777 be the unlucky candidate of the election?

Quiet, but impressive early, only to stumble and fade out in the end.
Two main factors stopped irule777 in the end.

First, the 'Unity Government' vote did irule777 no favours. The idea was essentially Ranger Bob's and that's who the voters were going to get behind.

Secondly, irule777's cabinet showed inexperience. There was simply too many people and a number of them had had personality clashes in the past.

Overall this should be seen as a learning experience for irule777. In the future, an experienced campaign manager should help get his plans across more clearly to the public.

28 votes isn't too bad considering the circumstances, but would be disappointed in being so far behind 2nd place.

So did the PTO vote come into play during this election... especially with the surprise number of votes for Wingfield?


Here's the total number of votes cast in Prime Minister elections of the last four months.

November: 208
October: 207
September: 229
August: 205

As you can see, no extraordinary spike in numbers as we witnessed in the last PTO, which was done by Indonesia back in mid-2010.

So it looks like Wingfield could be a force to deal with in December and a number of people didn't agree with the 'Unity Government' idea.

That's the figures and I'm Mr Crumpets.