Please help in report a suspicious bot from eRussia

Day 958, 20:39 Published in USA China by VLKR

Dear friends in eUSA,

This is VLKR and I'm a normal eChina citizen based in Hong Kong (who is now participating an ATO project in eNK). We have spotted highly suspicious bots in controlling the presidential election of our neighbor eNorth Korea. That president candidate is from eRussia and we are afraid in someone cheating the game and will result in damaging our mutual benefit and our national security.

Source of the election result statistics:
You can see that there are 2 "waves" of votes there clearly.

Please report from here:

Then select "Submit a Ticket"
Then select "Report multiple accounts"
Then report the user below
KasedY -
Election page -

Any help would be appreciated!

Hail eUSA
Hail eChina

Member of HKGOLDEN, eChina