Plato you....

Day 1,432, 13:45 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Milenium3

Hello, everybody!

It's 22.10.2011 23.20h Bulgarian time or 13:30 Oct22 Day 1,432 of the New World.

I have a look on the Monetary Market and guess what? The whole еWorld sells you currencies at one rate.

1(LC - local currency) = 0.001 Gold

You can ask why? It's very simple - Plato's BIG promotion:

You want upgrade and you want it fast, but you don't have gold. What do you do? You sell money for gold. And this is the result:

1(LC - local currency) = 0.001 Gold

But there are exceptions:

1. Czech Republic - they are not even on the map.

2. Malaysia - small population, may be?

3, 4, 5, 6. Croatia, Turkey, Poland and Serbia - may be they just can afford to pay for gold with real money. Probably that's why Terra is stronger. I don't know and this is not the point.

The point is that: "Plato, you fucked us again!"

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