People of Switzerland, please don't give up the fight!

Day 2,670, 11:32 Published in Switzerland Hungary by Jaca23

Dear Swiss citizens!

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'"!
Audrey Hepburn

I dismally see that your country was destroyed by some Romanian. Why don't you fight against them? There are many devices that can helps You.

There's a group which want to fight against the exploiter dictatorships. Please read this article about it and join.

You could also have contact with the Banana Alliance. I think that there are so many soldiers from the Banana countries who would fighting at your side.

Not every country likes Romanians. Hungary, Latvia, Poland etc. If a citizen from the swiss government write an article about your problems in these countries, and send it to the top5 with the help of the voters club, I think that you won more people for this fight. You could also write to these governments, maybe they'll help you too.

The things which are needed for freedom: A good article, some donations for co and a Swiss person, who's behind this initiation, and you'll have to chase away this romanian gang.

I think that there are several IRL Swiss players in this country. Think it out: At history, what was the time when Switzerland give up the fight against the overpower? And what was the time when they lost the fight? YOU CAN DO IT!

Sorry about the grammatical mistakes, my english is not so perfect.
