Parliament chronicles

Day 2,084, 14:25 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Accountability is a duty that any public e-servant should honour

As a (party) chosen and indirect representative, hereby, I expose my
actions and my experiences.

First of all, Appleby has performed well, but he has been unable to
stop the traditional TUP trolling, this time in the ingame messaging.

Secondly, the commitees have been settled, a good point for Appleby.

Basically, what's going on in the thread is an endless whining and
trolling attitude from, mainly, a single TUP member. It seems that TUP
insists in unweave an already woven piece of cloth: inmigration and
the very channels of discussion.

I'd love those threads to be published.

About myself, I've been mostly a NO-voter, for most MPPs I've voted
no: Serbia, Poland, Argentina (of course).... In the case of the
allies I wanted to state my disagreement with their arrogance.
About economical proposals, I voted NO on every one of them,
you can see them here:

Reason? It's not coherent to undo or redo tax increases all day, no
point in rising VAT, or rising import taxes ( anything above 30% is
like 99😵.

I voted yes for the impeachment and basically, that's all folks.