Pakistan Deomocratic Coalition & Diamond is Unbreakable Agreement

Day 762, 14:07 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Well everyone knows that an alliance exist between two parties, you hate or love it the alliance exists.

Alliance Basic Understanding
So yeah when the alliance happened there were only 2 regions under Pakistani control the basic thing in the alliance was split of seats with 50% anyways the point is, it was agreed that punjab will be entirely a DIU region & Balochistan will be entirely PDC region and Sindh was split with 50% in last elections.

Since there has been a new addition to the regions controlled by Pakistan no formal decision about regions has been made so far

Therefore keeping the Sindh precedent in mind we will split sindh and nwfp 50%.

Why Say all this

Three people from DIU candidated in Balochistan. These candidates should shift to other regions to maintain a 50% seat divide or they would be responsible solely for the alliance agreement becoming null and void

For Guidance

Punjab - All 9 seats belong to DIU
Balochistan - All 9 Seats go to PDC
Sindh - Split 50% (5 DIU - 5 PDC)
NWFP - Split 50% (5 DIU - 5 PDC)