open letter to the president, the congressman and the public

Day 426, 00:42 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

Dear e-UK, dear president Deathtoll

Most of you know me. Those who don’t know me, I’m a former president of e-UK and forum admin on the e-UK board. (according to some “lockarahna” would be a better therm. )

I’m also the oldest (or second oldest, don’t know anymore) member of e-UK and the congressman with the most terms). So you can say I have seen almost everything this e-country has been trough. I’m founder of UKRP and I have the most terms as congressman on my résumé, so I think I can say that I’ve had my share in e-UK’s politics.

As older members know, I barely publish something in my newspaper unless it’s really really necessary or when something very important needs to be said. This is one of those situations.
In recent events former MDU PP tommy Tommasino has been nagging for 18 pages (+several other treads on the forum) on how he wants to see the HoL reformed. Bear in mind that tommy is the same guy that a few weeks earlier came up with the great and spectacular idea to let us leave ATLANTIS. Our greatest security in these times of war and political takeovers. He proposed this without even knowing what ATLANTIS was or even being able to state all of ATLANTIS’s members. ATLANTIS, the great alliance that has protected us multiple times and has given us security over the past half year. If his ridiculous plan would have been accepted we’d now have Frenchies fighting over the Scotland regions by now. Yet tommy with his 2 month of experience (and he gets upset when someone refers to his comments as “inexperienced comments”) seem to know better than a group of e😜residents, congressman, ministers and military generals who have been playing this game for over a year. Ppl who have actually build this country from scratch!!

After his proposal was rejected, he needed something new to change. It seems like this guy has a unsatisfying thirst to change things that are working perfectly!! His new idea was a reform of the HoL. The HoL stands for the House of Lords. The lords consist of highly experienced players. All former ministers, former presidents and congressman. People who have proven themselves towards this country a zillion times and have invested many hours and allot of effort into improving this game. All people who have made this great nation to what it is today, something we can be proud of!

The idea for this HoL came, if I recall well (not sure anymore) from Stan wephen. Current PP of PCP and to my opinion one of the best PCP’ers that party has. A very bright and brilliant man, and probably the PCP’er I respect the most in the entire party.

In my time here, I’ve seen a different thousand proposals. Probably even more. 99% of those proposals where rubbish. They made either no sense or took too much time, or too much money, or they simply died a slow death after a few weeks. Just once in a while you get one of those genuine brilliant proposals that you know that will actually work. These are a very rare thing and I haven’t seen many lately. This HoL proposal by Stan however, was such a proposal. It was simple, offered a solution to many problems and worked exactly as it was suppose to work.

Why was it so good you might ask? Because before the HoL all experienced players where in the HoC (house of commons) result: none of the new players could ever become congressman and all of the older players who had massive strength could not go to battle. The HoL changed all this. Since the HoL has been create😛

-new players have been given a chance to start a political career
-Older players have been able to fight abroad and doing more damage than a small army of new players
-ppl get more involved in the politics of this country.
-downsides? None. Yes, you hear me right, not 1 single downside on this concept.

Now how is the selection of who can be a lord and who not? That is done by the PP’s of the top 3 party’s. And exactly here is why tommy is so frustrated. His party MDU is only the 4th largest party Tommy first wanted this to be changed in the top 4 PP’s. The problem many lords have with this is that the PP of MDU is only a month old!!! How can someone who is only one month old judge over the e-careers of ppl who have been playing for a year???? If tommy wouldn’t be serious about this, I’d actually say “hahaha man, that’s funny”. This is honestly the most ridiculous proposal I’ve heard in my entire e-career. Many (well actually most) ppl are of the same opinion as me on this matter so tommy’s proposal was again rejected.

But it doesn’t end here. He found something new to change and in my personal opinion, a nice way to get back on the lords who rejected his first proposal. He now came up with a idea to…. *let the drums roll * …a reform of the house of lords!!!!!..... excuse me for not applauding this retarded idea. His idea (“since I can’t join them”, he must have thought “ let’s destroy them”) is to take away the lords veto rights and basically any power they now have. For those who haven’t gotten the idea: he wants to take one of the best working organs in E-UK and fully destroy it. (yes, he says “reform” but when you strip something politically away from all power and everything, then no one will want to join it and you basically destroy it, so let’s name things as they should be named and let’s not be so cowardice to give it a name that the public prefers to hear). His argument: “they are an unelected body that is being given to much power”. My thought on this: most stupid point I ever heard. These ppl where elected before. They are e😜residents for fucks sake!!! Something he will never be with idea’s like these, that’s for sure. They had access to over 8000G in our treasury. If they really want to abuse their power, they would have done it when they had the chance. These ppl don’t abused their power in the past they certainly won’t do it now. This “to much power” he is talking about btw is the fact that they can veto decisions of the HoC. This has only happened 3 or 4 times in the history of e-UK. In both cases they did good and prevented big trouble, as later became clear. As I said, these ppl practically build the country. They know the game mechanics more then anyone else. All they do now in HoL is review a proposal that passed a vote in HoC and see if there aren’t any flaws in it. That’s all HoL is. It’s organ of experienced players that watches over the decisions made my newer players in HoC. Is this really the criminal organization tommy wants you to believe it is? Is this really the organization that is constantly abusing their power, like he wants you to believe? I’ll answer that question: No it isn’t!! it’s place where experienced players who have contributed to much to this country can still get involved in politics without taking away opportunities from newer players. And those ppl have done so much for this country that I would consider it extremely rude and ungrateful if we deny them this.

This is what will happen once this proposal gets trough:
-All current HoL members will want to get back into politics. Result: new players will be stolen from their chance to ever become a congressman. I repeat: NEW PLAYERS WILL NOT BE GIVEN A CHANCE! He in other words want to destroy us politically
- Many of our tanks are currently HoL members. As a HoL member they can fight abroad and help ATLANTIS, as a HoC member they have to stay in the country their entire therm. Many current HoL members will go HoC if this bill passes. This will result in a significant loss of strength for our army. These tanks can easily take on 50 normal players, taking them out of the fight is disastrous. THIS BILL WILL WEAKEN US MILITARY
- less ppl that can get a chance to get into politics= less ppl that will stay active. This could damage us socially as well.

Summarize😛 In all my years I’ve never seen a proposal worse than this. This is devastating for our country and wants to destroy one of the only decent working organs in this country. I address this letter to the public of e-UK and to the president, Deathtoll. I hereby ask him to use his veto against this proposal for the sake of the country. A real patriot would never support such a ridiculous proposal.

I wonder what his next proposal will be. Maybe a merge with France? Or heck, why not make a proposal that all GM’s must now give their companies to uber ex- party president Tommy Tomasino because he is so great with finding brilliant proposals to screw up our country.

Congressman, patriots and president, listen to my words and veto this proposal. It brings nothing but devastation to this country.

Signed shadow
ex-mayor of London
oldest e-UK citizen
founder of UKRP

PS: I know some of you will say that this article is only for the purpose of slandering tommy. I say “no, not true” to that comment. Tommy brought forth this proposal, then he must be ready to receive both the credit as well as the criticism for this.