ONE alliance battle report - ONE to rule them all

Day 1,302, 08:59 Published in Poland Chile by EduRaptor

- Dear readers

• To sum it up, my last article got almost 750 votes, so i guess you like it : ) So, as i promised, i will keep up the reports, and try to inform you about main topics about our alliance. It will be like a summary of everuthing new thats going on in our alliance, in social aspect, military, interesting events, etc. Many people asked why i didnt include our great friends and allies, like Iran, Turkey and Indonesia. Honestly, at first i put just ONE alliance members but you got a point, in this article i will put report from turkey and starting next one, i will write about our other allies too. So, lets start:

Number of colonies - 7 ( 3)| Current NE - France

• Hungary advances through France pretty easily. As we speak, the Huns already won French regions of Alsace, Franche-comte, Rhone Alps, and Auvergne without a single round lost. Currently, they are fighting in battle of Limousin where they are winning with 4-0 currently. Interesting part of the story is that Huns havent lost a single round against France since the start of their western europe campaign. Currently, there are 2 RWs active in Hungary, in Burgenland against Austria, where current result is 4-6, for ressistance force, while we are winning 5th round. Another RW is started by ressistance force of France, in battle of Alasce, with same result in total and current round. Compared to last report, Hungary advanced for 3 more regions.

»»Official MoD orders:««[/b]
Priority 1 (highest)
For updates, follow Hungary MoD official newspaper - Hadugyi Kozlony

Number of colonies - 12 ( 1) | Current NE - Canada

• Sweedes still stay strong at North American soil. Canada seems unable to give considerable ressistance since battles for Northwestern Teritories and Alberta, where they had 6 and 7 rounds won. Currently, we have an active RW against ressistance force of Canada, in battle of Alberta. Current score is a draw, 5-5, but we are wining 6th round and it seems that this region will be secured. I must mention that although their MoD orders look much cooler now : D, they should update it more often.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Not updated, it says RWs that are already won
For updates, follow Sweedish MoD official newspaper - [The Swedish Military]

Number of colonies - 31 ( 2) | Current NE - No NE set

• Huh, took me some time to count all those colonies. As we all know, Macedonia succesfully deleted Greece from the map. In order to celebrate, we all got drunk and sang Makedonsko Devojce while shooting our guns out the window : D Joke aside, this is an amazing achievment, such a young country controling this huge number of colonies, is something that both enemies and allies can only give respect for. As there are no currently active RWs, we can probably soon expect a big organized action of Eden/Terra to attack MKD's colonies by night, and we should be ready for it. Congradulations again my Macedonian bros! Greece is no more : D

»»Official MoD orders:««
Not updated, it says RWs that are already won
For updates, follow Macedonian MoD official newspaper - Ministerstvo za Odbrana

Number of colonies - 12 ( 4) | Current NE - USA

• Spaniards continue they rampage through USA. They won 15 battles in a row against them, without a single round lost, and currently are winning the 16th. In the battle of Delaware, current result is 5-0, and 6th round is surely to be won. Honestly i expected big struggle in the attack on original american soil, but it seams that they are joining the recycled states union faster than i would guess. Currently, we have no active RWs on the teritory of Spain.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Priority 1 (high)
For updates, follow Spanish MoD official newspaper - National Defense Ministery

Number of colonies - 8 ( 1) | Current NE - Romania

• After finishing our Italian campaign, we turned to Romanian front again. By conquering Italian regions of Apulia and Molise, we got 8th resourse, oil, and in same time closed the threat of Croatia from Macedonians back. Currently, we are facing 2 RW's and a battle against Romania. In battle of Transilvania which just started, we are winning the first round. We have open RW's against ressistance force of Romania, in region of Banat, where we are winning 4-0 and leading in 5th, and against ressistance force of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where in battle of East Srpska Republic, the score is 2-0, and the domination bar is as usual 70%+.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Not updated, it says Crisiana, but thats finished.
For updates, follow Serbian MoD official newspaper - Vojska Srbije

Number of colonies - 26 ( 2) | Current NE - France

• France is losing badly to Poles too, and in last 6 battles they still havent gained a single round. In 7th and currently active battle of Loire Valley, result is 6-0 in rounds, and in 7th, current score is 86%. The French campaign goes steady, and France has 12 more regions, of which they will almost surely lose 2 more during this day. There arent any currently active RWs in all of 26 regions of Poland : ) Also, i must say that Poland most definitly have most awesome MoD newspaper in eRepublik : D

»»Official MoD orders:««
Priority (medium)
Priority (medium)
For updates, follow Polish MoD official newspaper - Ministerstwo Obrony

Number of colonies - 13 | Current NE - Bulgaria

• Uuuups, they did it again. After backstabbing Serbia, Bulgarians got bored and decided that after peace that turks kindly accepted, they should backstab Turkey too. From an anonymous source, i discovered, that this time unlike last 2 times when they got gangbanged hard, Bulgarians got a solution! They have asked their RL national Hero, Azis, to come to erep and aid them in battle. As you can check on google, that man is no joke... Aside of that, Turks are facing 2 active RWs. In first, they are facing resistance force of Ukraine in battle of Taurida. After first 2 rounds, score is a draw, but we are winning the third one. In second RW, Russia is leading 4-0 in the battle of Western Siberia, but we are currently leading in the 5th round.

To sum it up again ONE rocks. We gained 13 new colonies in last 3 days, and now we have 96 colonies under control, and progresing. Hope you liked the report, if you did, please shout it. Also, id like to mention, due the fact that lots of people asked me about it, avatars were made by SuperDodo, and you can check it out in his newspaper. Check out his newest work here - [Dodo] Marvel Collection. For shout:

Shout: ONE alliance battle report - ONE to rule them all -

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