Now arriving....

Day 975, 00:41 Published in USA United Kingdom by GLaDOS

Berlin, Germany

I sit in my sandpartment in berlin, looking out into a gray, cloudy sky. on my desk is the latest edition of the Economist, with a Headline that makes my heart sink. My Goal, my dream, my valhalla, gone in a flash. As I sit at that window, munching on a cookie and drinking the finest earl grey tea, I think back to a simpler time, when cookies where different, and everything was blessed with the sand of my lord.

I take another bite of the cookie, and find the strangest tingling in my mouth.... BEES!!! IT'S A COOKIE WITH BEES IN IT!!!! I glance down at my tea, and suddenly, there is no tea, only sand.

and then

a voice

"GLaDOS, how have you been?"

I look across the table, and my heart stops.

It's HIM! my god, my lord and savior, the one and only dio brando, in the flesh! I immediatley drop to my knees in front of my god and begin to recite prayers from the book of dio. he smiles and says "rise, holy prophet, you need not grovel"
I dare not rise from my knees, but I ask "my lord, why have you come before me on this blessed day?"

he replies "I have a new mission for you, my prophet. you are to go to America, the biggest dioist country left in the world. they have taken to a branch of worship that I deem....unacceptable. You, as the last active holy prophet, must go to the United States of America. once you arrive, you are to join the organization known as the Special Elite Execution Squad, and teach their citizens the True meaning of my teachings, the true meaning of what it means to walk the sandy path"

"but, my lord, I am not worthy of such an assignment, plus there is the fact that I may have declared the intent of an alliance to invade and destroy their cou-

"MUDA DA! you shall go to the land of nave's children because I have willed it so!"

"but my lord I-"


and in a flash, I find myself in the first class cabin of a passenger plane, looking around and wondering how I got here. In my lap are various documents, vouchers and citizenship permits that would allow me to walk off the plane an American citizen, free to do what I wish.

A flight attendant walks up to me and says "sir, we shall be landing at Los Angeles International Airport in 10 minutes, please bring your chair back into it's upright position and prepare for landing.

In the back of my head, a familiar voice whispers to me, calling to me......

"don't forget what I have said my prophet..."

Go Forth, and do my work.