Northern Ireland Peace Talks !

Day 825, 10:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

Northern Ireland Peace talks

Dish and Woldy turn up at the Houses of the Oireachtas
for secret talks on the future of Northern Ireland

They are met by the Irish negotiators :
Edana Savage(CP),Donovan Thomas(VP),
Michael Collins(MoD)and The Dagda(MoFA)

"Welcome to Ireland,you'll have a cup of tea ?
Ah you will you will you will you will you will"

The Irish team examine the
treaty the UK has drawn up

"Now isn't that a lovely shade of red,more tea ?
Ah you will you will you will you will you will"

Michael Collins passes opinion on
the treaty before even looking at it

"You know what you can do,Feck Off ! the pair of yer!"

Edana Savage tries to convince the UK
deligation to let Ireland keep NI

"Go on,go on, go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,
go on, go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,
go on, go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,
go on, go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,GO ON!"

The Dagda points at the counrtyside
and protests to keep NI

"One Country,One People,One Leader !"

During a break in proceeding both sides
sit down and someone turns the TV on

"WTF is this advert they're running on Irish TV" shouts Dish

The Dagda confronts Michael Collins
about the advert

"Michael is this your doing ?"

Michael Collins denies all knowledge
of the advert

"What is this i don't even !"

The talks break up and both sides head home

Donovan Thomas drives Edana Savage
home in the Irish presidential car

"When we get home Donovan i'll put the kettle on
you'll have tea?Ah you will you will you will you will"

The Dagda still unhappy with the turn
of events continues his protest

Dish and Woldy discuss the days events
as they head back to the UK unsuccessful

"Well Woldy old man what a bunch of....."
